DTOD Version 38

Effective 10/15/2024


SDDC would like to welcome you to the new DTOD website.

Commercial Freight

DTOD assists commercial partners with mileage reporting to fulfill the DOD's need for commercial freight lines in support of US Military assets.


Convienent mileage calculations for permanent change of station or temporary duty for soldiers and commands.


  • DTOD TEAMS Transition

    The DTOD website has transitioned from ETA to TEAMS

    Please login here or at https://eta-teams.transport.mil

    All existing ETA accounts have been migrated to TEAMS.

    If you experience an issue with your TEAMS account please contact the SRC

  • DTOD version 38

    The DTOD website version 38 is now live.

  • Support for FIPS codes within DTOD will be supported until

    no longer required.

    Click here to read more

The Defense Table of Official Distances (DTOD) is the official source for worldwide distance information used by the Department of Defense (DoD). DTOD provides vehicular land distances for all DoD personal property, all DoD freight, and PCS/TDY travel needs. It generates point-to-point distances and routes for origin/destination pairs of locations. The DTOD website’s distance calculation and mapping functions provide road segment and cumulative distances over the network of truck-usable highways and roads in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and Asia.


You must have an approved DoD DTOD account, managed by SDDC's (TEAMS), to calculate distances and view maps and directions.